KennelSol® HC
KennelSol HC is a highly concentrated one-step germicidal cleaner, deodorizer and animal care disinfectant formulated for greater economy. It retains all the same disinfecting properties as regular KennelSol, with identical cleaning ability and odor control when used at the recommended dilution. Though registered as a 1:256 (1/2 ounce per gallon) product, ideally you need to use a 1:128 dilution (1 ounce per gallon, which is our recommended dilution) to obtain the same cleaning effectiveness as with our regular KennelSol. This is because it is impossible to get surfactants & cleaners in sufficient quantities into any super-concentrates (1:256 dilutions), "no matter who the manufacturer may be," to do an effective job at cleaning, which is 90% of your battle against microorganisms that can cause diseases.