Cat Odor-Off Soaker
No need for clothes pins on noses anymore with Thornell's Cat Odor-Off Soaker. It eliminates cat odors on multiple surfaces and works well on odors such as urine, tomcat spray, feces and more. Cat urine in carpets and other porous surfaces is a significant problem primarily because it can go undetected for a long time. The urine itself has very little odor, but once it starts to decay it becomes a problem. The first stage of decay produces amines (ammonia), which are unpleasant, but the second stage of decay is the worst. This creates mercaptans. (Mercaptans are what make skunk spray smell so bad.) With a carpet this can mean the urine has soaked through the carpet to the floor or deeply into your favorite sofa. In spite of product and carpet cleaner claims this odor cannot be eliminated with detergents or by spraying the surface as the product will not go down as deeply as the urine.
The solution is to thoroughly soak the soiled area with Thornell’s Cat Odor-Off. Cat Odor-Off will eliminate odors regardless of how long it’s been or even after all sorts of other remedies have been tried. (Cat Odor-Off will work where enzyme-based products won’t. Enzyme products are not compatible with detergents and germicides and usually there will be a residue of one or both in the carpet from earlier treatments).
Simply pour Cat Odor-Off on, making certain that you have covered the soiled area completely and with enough volume to soak through the carpet or sofa reaching the odor source. Let it dry. That’s it.
Thornell specializes in creating products that permanently eliminate malodors – complex blends of natural ingredients that work through various methods and actions. Its products are NOT masks and they are NOT enzymes. Each of Thornell product is specially formulated for a unique purpose.